If you have one or more missing teeth, your dentist may recommend that you get an ‘artificial’ replacement.
The first option is a removable option, as in a denture. These need to be taken out to clean and at night, and will also have some movement, or fall out, as they are not ‘stuck in. This may not be your choice as a result.
The second option is a bridge. A bridge usually needs to be attached to sound teeth on either side of a gap, and these teeth would then need to be shaped to fit the bridge over to hold it in place. This is a fixed replacement of a tooth but does involve some preparation of the tooth holding the bridge in, so may not be the first choice if that tooth has no fillings in it.
Rather than an implant, which involves placing an artificial root into the bone and then affixing a crown over. This is more expensive, but doesn’t involve any other teeth and is fixed in place.
The bridge and the implant, function more like your natural tooth.
This can all be discussed at your appointment where we will break down the similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages of each so that even if you have a fake tooth, you will still have a smile that is as real as can be.